Sunday, March 04, 2007

Roth IRA

Few thoughts on Roth IRA:

1. What is Roth IRA - post tax dollars, interest grows tax free

2. Limit for 2007 - $4000

3. Article on recommended investment contributions for retirement:

4. Advantages
- do not have to pay taxes for withdrawing
- withdraw contributions (after 3 - 5 years) without penalty
- distributions not mandatory after 70 and a half years (as required in 401K)

5. Where can you invest
- Banks
- Mutual Fund Companies
- Brokerage Firm
- Insurance Company

6. Things to research prior to setting up a Roth IRA account
- minimal amount
- annual fee
- inactivity fee
- account transfer out fee
- fees for changing investments
- fees for withdrawing money
